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Learning Bytes - Tenses

More lessons to come soon...
Present Simple

We often use Present Simple to talk about Permanent Situations. It is also used to describe things in general, about things that happen regularly, repeatedly or happens all the time.

RULE - 1
Present Simple

In present simple, we say something happens all the time or repeatedly. Or that something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking.

RULE - 2
Present Simple

To make questions and negative sentences, we use do / does.
Questions : 

Do I/we/you/they? 

Does he/she /it?

RULE - 3
Present Simple

We use the present simple when we say at what time/frequency we do things.

RULE - 4
Present Simple

Sometimes  we do things by saying some special words (e.g., advising, agreeing, promising, and swearing). In these cases, we usually use the present simple (agree/ promise/ swear etc.).

RULE - 5
Present Simple

Usually we say "I always do something"(= I do it every time ).

RULE - 6
Present Simple

The following present tense forms are often used to introduce the piece of news which one has heard. It is used with a perfect or past meaning.
See, hear, smell, gather, taste.

RULE - 7
Present Simple

Some other verbs like understand and gather are used when the speaker ( or writer) is checking information.

RULE - 8
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